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Nurses, healthcare workers, home care aides and nursing home workers today endorsed Sen. Ed Murray for mayor of Seattle.

The state’s two largest healthcare unions called out Sen. Murray’s record as an advocate for affordable quality health and long-term care, a champion of working people and a leader on gay rights.

“As a nurse, I see the real impact of the work Sen. Murray has done. He played a key role in delivering a historic expansion of affordable health care through Medicaid, and has been standing up for patients across our community by championing funding for mental health care, protecting healthcare safety net programs, and standing by workers to protect their care, too,” said Linda Arkava, RN, and an SEIU Healthcare 1199NW member.

In the most recent legislative session, Sen. Murray stood with workers to fight proposed cuts to state employee healthcare benefits, pensions and workers’ compensation. As Minority Leader, Sen. Murray provided leadership to fund state employee contracts and the first increase in five years for low-wage home care workers who start at only $10/hour.

“Sen. Murray helped us win better wages for the people like me, who take care of seniors and people with disabilities. He’s also leading the way to help all working people by putting a $15/hour minimum wage at the center of his economic platform,” said Sylvia Liang, a home care aide and an SEIU 775 member.

Sen. Murray’s plan to increase Seattle’s minimum wage to $15/hour would stimulate the economy, helping workers and businesses.

“Sen. Murray’s economic plan is bold and powerful. It would help raise workers up to spend more on food, healthcare and education – all the things that are most important to continue to make Seattle great,” Liang said.

“He’s has been an effective leader on what matters most to us. When I look at what will benefit my patients and what’s best for my family, I can say that we’re proud to stand with Ed,” Arkava said.

Combined, SEIU 775 and SEIU 1199 represent nearly 10,000 workers in Seattle.

SEIU 775NW represents 43,000 members who provide critical long-term care services to Washington’s most vulnerable residents in their own homes, nursing homes, and adult day health centers.

SEIU Healthcare 1199NW unites 24,000 nurses, healthcare workers, mental health workers, and state employees in hospitals and clinics across the state.

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