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We are 1199NW, and we vote!

Check out our full list of endorsed candidates for the 2024 Washington State Primary Election.

We care for Washington and Montana patients and families

We stand together to make sure that our patients and clients get the best quality care and that our pay and benefits allow us to thrive.

35 Years of Progress And Unity

Why choose the union difference?

Being part of a strong union means having a strong voice.  We take action together and win on the issues that matter to us – staffing, wages, benefits, and being a part of the decision making.

Together, we rise.

We win better futures for ourselves and our families.

Union Stories

Press releases, events, updates, and more.

We are 1199NW, and we vote!

We are 1199NW, and we vote!

Ballots have hit mailboxes for the Washington State Primary Election, and it’s time to cast our votes for the candidates who will stand with us at the bargaining table and the picket line, and fight for us in the halls of power.   Our local leaders create legislation...

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