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Black Leadership Caucus

The Black Leadership Caucus of our union is part of SEIU’s national Afram Caucus. Our purpose is to facilitate open and respectful communication between African American communities and the labor movement and to develop and strengthen Black leadership throughout or workplaces and union programs.

To join, talk to your delegate or organizer or email the Action Center. 

Latinx Caucus

The SEIU Healthcare 1199NW Latinx Caucus’s goal is to organize, educate and develop the Latino people in order to achieve power, respect and social justice for the working class. We are part of the national SEIU Latino Caucus.  

El objetivo del Caucus Latino es organizer, educar y desarollar al pueblo Latino para lograr poder, respeto y justicia social para la clase trabajadora. Estamos en el SEIU Latino Caucus.  

Join your SEIU brothers and sisters in resistance and unity as we move forward on immigration, Puerto Rico, racial justice, work in the Americas, and developing the leadership of our Latino members here and across the country.

Unase con sus hermanos y hermanas del SEIU en resistencia y unidad mientras avanzamos en materias de inmigración, Puerto Rico, justicia racial, trabajo en las Américas y desarrollo del liderazgo de nuestros miembros latinos aqui y en todo el país.

To join, talk to your delegate or organizer or email the Action Center.

Para unirse, contactar su delegate o organizer o email Action Center.

API Caucus

The Asian Pacific Islander Caucus aims to collaborate with community organizations to address social, economic, housing, working conditions, health and other issues of concern to the API community. We also aim to identify and develop community activists and leaders within the labor movement and in the community.  We are part of SEIU’s national API Caucus.

To join, talk to your delegate or organizer or email the Action Center.

Rainbow Caucus

The Rainbow Caucus is the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Caucus of SEIU Healthcare 1199NW, part of the national SEIU Lavender Caucus. Our purpose is to facilitate open and respectful communication between the LGBTQ community and the labor movement and build the leadership of LGBTQ+ members in our workplaces and throughout our union program.

To join, talk to your delegate or organizer or email the Action Center.

Our social and economic justice campaigns

We cannot have a strong union when members of our union and our communities lack basic civil rights.  That’s why every working person must advocate together for a more just and sustainable society. We must stand up to defend the rights of all of our communities.

We will stand up to prevent roll-backs and win advancements in civil rights, whether it be based on race, gender, religion, immigrant status, LGBTQ identity, veteran status, or disability, and we will work respectfully with allies to move forward for environmental justice and a more just society.  When our communities are fighting for their rights, we will be there.

Racial Justice

We cannot have economic justice without racial justice.  We are standing up to fight racism in our communities and workplaces, support accountable policing, and promote anti-racism.  We do this by winning organizational equity and inclusion language in our contracts, by supporting the De-Escalate Washington campaign, by marching with Black Lives Matter, and supporting community partners [link to that page] doing this work.  Read more about SEIU’s racial justice focus.

Immigrant Justice

It is just wrong that our government is tearing families apart.  Our immigration system is broken and is punishing families who come here seeking refuge or a better life.  We are standing up for immigrant rights, supporting sanctuary cities and states campaigns, fighting to maintain Temporary Protective Status (TPS) for people coming to the US fleeing violence and persecution, and advocating for common-sense immigration reform.  Read more about SEIU’s immigrant justice focus.

Healthcare Justice

Healthcare is a human right.  Our union was founded on a principle of healthcare for all and we continue to fight for a universal, affordable, quality healthcare system.  We played a key role in passing Medicaid expansion in Washington state and we continue to advocate for needed further expansion to cover immigrants and people of all incomes.  We are a founding member of and continue to play a key role in Health Care Is a Human Right – WA. Read more about SEIU’s position on health care for all.

Environmental Justice

Everyone has the right to breathe clean air, drink clean water, and experience the outdoors.  Patterns of pollution have disproportionately burdened communities of color with toxins that cause serious health problems like asthma, cancer, and lead poisoning and shorten lives.  Together with our community partners, we are standing up for communities that are healthy and sustainable and for policies that stop and reverse our contribution to climate change. Read more about SEIU’s action on climate and environmental justice.

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