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As nurses and healthcare workers, we worked hard to pass healthcare reform that would bring affordable healthcare coverage to millions more Americans.

Starting October 1, that work became a reality in Washington as our state launched the healthcare exchange, which expands Medicaid to include more than 300,000 more people and allows even more to shop for quality, affordable health plans online.

We’re partnering with the state to launch a companion website, to assist our patients, clients, fellow SEIU members, friends, family and neighbors to determine their eligibility and sign up.

We know how critical good health insurance is and thanks to our work to pass the law, we can use our expertise to bring the promise of healthcare to our community.

The new law makes will make a critical difference for millions of people. Every health plan includes doctor visits and hospital stays, maternity and pediatric care, prescription drugs, preventive care like cancer screenings and vaccines, mental health services, and management of chronic diseases like diabetes and asthma.

SEIU and community members can determine their eligibility and sign up between October 1 and March 31. Health coverage could begin as soon as January 1, 2014. More information is available at, or by calling the Washington Health Plan Finder at 1-855-923-4633.

“We worked together to fix our broken healthcare system by passing the Affordable Care Act. Now we need to take the next step by spreading the word to our patients, families, and friends. The work we did to help expand Medicaid coverage will benefit more than 300,000 people in our state.” – Denice Bischofberger, RN, Group Health Cooperative

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