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We are more than 1,100 service and technical healthcare workers united in SEIU Healthcare 1199NW at Kadlec Regional Medical Center in Richland and its Freestanding Emergency Room in Kennewick.  

It’s time for Providence to invest in Kadlec and our Tri-Cities community by settling a strong contract with healthcare workers. We’re calling on Providence executives to pay us the same wages that Providence pays other locations like Swedish Medical Center. We know that the work we do as caregivers at Kadlec is no different than the work caregivers do at other Providence facilities, so why does Providence think it is ok to pay us significantly less for the same work and pocket the difference? Providence has benefitted from a discount for too long – it’s time for Providence to pay their Kadlec caregivers equitably. No one working at Providence hospitals — one of the biggest and wealthiest healthcare corporations in the country — should be earning minimum wage. Poverty wages do not reflect an investment in community. 

A lack of competitive wages has led to rapid staff turnover, compromising the quality of the care our community receives and deserves. Join us on the picket line May 28 to show Providence that our community stands with us in demanding a strong contract that recruits and retains!

Same employer, same job, same pay! 

Download the event flyer here and RSVP at to join us on the picket line.

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