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As healthcare professionals, we are dedicated to healing and preserving life. Driven by that strong commitment to human safety, we express our sincere wish for an end to violence against civilians, particularly innocent women and children, in Israel and Palestine, and adamantly call for an end to violence in global conflict zones.

Our hearts mourn the deaths of thousands of civilians and the suffering in Palestine and Israel. Whether on a kibbutz or in Khan Younis, Gaza or Ashkelon, the innocent have suffered and their losses are immeasurable.

As a union, we always stand for justice and peace. We unapologetically call for freedom for all people in Israel and Palestine, the safe release of hostages and prisoners, and the right to safety and dignity for all. We firmly believe that everyone deserves to live in a safe, peaceful environment, free from violence. We condemn all forms of prejudice, Islamophobia, antisemitism, terrorism and religious persecution, and yearn for a world where peace prevails and these injustices cease to exist.

To that end, we join with others around the world in calling for all combatants to stop the violence directed at civilians, the protection of children and families, and the prompt delivery of humanitarian aid. We stand in solidarity with those experiencing violence stemming from armed conflict in all areas of the world, such as civilians in Ukraine and in the Democratic Republic of Congo. We call on elected leaders to take urgent steps to achieve peaceful solutions to the conflict, safety, dignity and justice for all communities and religions.

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