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We worked hard, calling and  visiting legislators, rallying, and spreading the word to help pass the Affordable Care Act.  Then we helped extend healthcare coverage to more than 500,000 Washingtonians by working to get our state to accept Medicaid expansion. Now all our work is paying off and we can see our success in action as we prepare for our state to start accepting applications for healthcare on October 1.

SEIU Healthcare 1199NW nurses and healthcare workers will be helping to sign up new applicants for healthcare coverage.  Working in our facilities and in our communities, we’re committed to making sure every single Washingtonian who qualifies for coverage takes advantage of this rare opportunity.

We know that our healthcare system works best when everyone has access to preventative care and we’re thrilled to be a part of bringing access to that care to as many people as possible. Medicaid expansion will provide primary and preventive care including vaccines, cancer screenings, and mental health care.  The program will save Washington’s state budget $225 million dollars in the next biennium alone, generating a needed boost to our economy through federal funds, economic stimulus, and a productive workforce.

For individuals just above the threshhold for qualifying for the Medicaid expansion and those who need to shop around to buy their own health insurance, Washington’s new healthcare marketplace will be open for enrollment October 1. Find out if you are eligible for subsidies to help with the cost of healthcare and get more information about health plans at Washington Health Plan Finder.

This is an exciting time as we bring the promise of better health to more members of our community.  Talk to your delegate or organizer to get involved in signing up your neighbors.

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