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Staff at Providence St Pete’s hospital and Providence SoundHomeCare and Hospice were outraged when Providence sent out a letter stating that our comprehensive health insurance would soon be replaced with a risky catastrophic health plan.  We took our anger and quickly organized our own healthcare forums at Providence St. Peter Hospital to answer members’ questions about what this all means.  We are  circulating a petition showing our opposition to this and unconscionable takeaway and show we’re ready to take action.

Health Savings Accounts, Health Reimbursement Accounts, and High Deductible Health Plans are all catastrophic—they’re just a cover for employers to duck out of their responsibility to provide quality, affordable, comprehensive health insurance.  Providence St Pete’s members won’t stand for this, and we’re united to ensure that health care workers have access to affordable healthcare.

“I was hospitalized out-of-town last year.  Under Providence’s proposed plan, I would have to pay every penny of that bill—thousands of dollars,” said Mila Harden, Admitting.  “We can’t afford this.   I’m going to fight as hard as I can and do whatever it takes to protect our access to affordable health care.”

We are showing our strength and unity.  We’re committed to doing what it takes to stop these catastrophic plans and ensure access to comprehensive health care for all.

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