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Quality care, quality jobs are on the line!

Valley General Hospital’s future is up for a vote, and it’s up to us to protect quality care and jobs. Public Hospital District 1 in eastern Snohomish County will be voting in April to increase the hospital levy to provide critically needed funding for the hospital. It will take all of us to make sure it passes.

Our levy rate is currently among the lowest in the state. If the levy increase does not pass, our hospital will lose inpatient, trauma, and emergency department services. Transport times for first responders and patients could double or even triple as people may need to drive up to 50 miles round trip to get to the next nearest hospital. We need to act now to protect the local care our growing community needs.

By working together to increase the levy, we have an incredible opportunity to strengthen our hospital and attract more physicians and specialists. We can protect quality care and local jobs, and create a robust and vital health system for our community.

Our hospital is an investment worth making and it starts with us.

Ballots are mailed out April 5 and must be returned by April 23.

Jill DeYoung, RN, CCU, Valley General Hospital“It’s urgent for us to take action now. This is a public health and quality jobs issue. Our whole community will suffer without care at Valley General. Seconds count in an emergency and our families and neighbors need access to care here in Monroe, not miles away. We need to work together to protect our jobs and save care in our community!”
Jill DeYoung, RN, CCU

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