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As a union, part of our mission is to advocate for a more just and equitable society.  We know that we need to stand united across divisions of race and share in the outrage over the ongoing murders of our Black brothers and sisters.  That’s why our delegates voted for a 2016 plan for our union that included supporting and showing up for Black Lives Matter actions and events.

To step up our involvement, our Executive Board discussed and voted on a plan to take action for racial justice:

  • We participated in two Black Lives Matter events in July and will continue to mobilize for rallies and marches;
  • We are endorsing I-873, the initiative that would reform the law to hold police accountable for unjustified killing;
  • We will participate in King County Labor Council’s public safety summit event in September with racial justice and union activists plus the police unions.

Talk to your Executive Board member for more information and follow our union’s Facebook page for the latest events.

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