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Once again, our broken hearts go out to a community where gun violence has forced its way into the fabric of daily life. We are absolutely devastated for the survivors and the families of students and teachers impacted by this senseless act of violence in Uvalde, TX, and we hold space for the particular pain felt by immigrants in this community who see the United States as a place where they could have a better, safer life.

As a union, we never hesitate to demand action from our lawmakers, and today we stand together once again to say that enough is enough. This violent life-shortening harm against children and their educators is another tragic example of how dire this public health crisis is in our country. Inaction is unacceptable, and we will not let hopelessness and apathy silence the voices of survivors and activists whose relentless work is already effecting change at the local level.

We honor the memories of the victims and wrap our arms in solidarity around teachers across the country — our fellow union siblings and educators — who mourn all they have lost. Gun violence is a workplace issue, and that makes it a labor issue. We will keep using our collective voices to advance justice in our communities, including the right to be free of unmitigated gun violence.

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