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Nurses and healthcare workers are recommending a YES vote for Good Jobs at SeaTac, Proposition 1, appearing on our ballots in the city of SeaTac.

The entire nation is watching SeaTac because it could be a game changer for working families from Maine to California.

The stakes in this election are incredibly high – workers are sending a message that we want to establish a living wage on which people can support their families.

As nurses and healthcare workers, we’ve seen too many families, including many of our own, struggle to make ends meet and afford care while giant corporations continue to profit.

Proposition 1 will create a minimum wage of $15 an hour at the airport and surrounding big businesses, as well as provide sick days, encourage more full-time work, and protect workers’ tips.

Your vote is incredibly important.  If you haven’t seen your ballot, please check your mailbox today. Fill it out, and vote YES for SeaTac on Proposition 1.

No one should have to work two jobs and still live in poverty.  Unfortunately, we all know this is the reality for far too many SeaTac residents.

Here’s why nurses and healthcare workers are recommending a YES vote for Good Jobs at SeaTac:

Puts Our Health and Safety First: Prop 1 provides up to 6.5 days of paid sick leave for fulltime airport employees, preventing the spread of dangerous disease and keeping our families and community safe.

Creates Full-Time Jobs: Prop 1 encourages airport-related businesses to employ full time workers, creating jobs our neighbors can count on to make ends meet.

Boosts SeaTac’s Economy by allowing more of our family, neighbors and friends to buy locally: Prop 1 ensures that SeaTac residents employed at and around the airport can receive a living wage of $15 helping them make ends meet. Because thousands of local employees will now have more money to buy locally, it’s estimated that Proposition 1 will create 412 new jobs , with millions of additional dollars pumped into SeaTac’s struggling economy.

Brent Morgan, RN Endo“I have been a nurse at Highline Medical Center since 1990 and have spent many of those years in the Emergency Department there. That is where we see the people without other, more comprehensive healthcare options. We have seen the people that work several jobs to feed, clothe, and house their families. It is terrible that many people working full-time cannot adequately take care of their loved ones. A wage that would support the family might make the prospect of getting good healthcare a little more reachable. It is time to stand up for working families! Please vote YES on SeaTac Proposition 1.”
Brent Morgan, RN
Highline Medical Center

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