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As healthcare workers, we put our lives on the line to provide for our families and care for our communities during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and we deserve to be represented by legislators who honor that sacrifice and stand with working families, not corporate interests. 

Our local leaders create legislation that directly impacts our rights as workers, our level of safety in our workplaces, and our healthcare systems. With all of this and more on the line this midterm election, it’s up to us to elect leaders who share a commitment to opportunity, affordability, and equity for all of us, as well as to our legislative priorities:

  • Safe staffing
  • Safety and ergonomic protections for cleaning workers
  • Behavioral health funding for recruitment and retention
  • Equitable healthcare pricing for our patients and communities
  • Housing for us and for everyone
  • Healthcare workforce development

SEIU Healthcare 1199NW members have interviewed the candidates running to represent us across Washington state, and have identified and endorsed those who will stand with us in our values. 

Read our list of endorsements

Vote by November 8 for the endorsed candidate(s) in your legislative district. Make sure your ballot is postmarked by Election Day or in a dropbox by 8pm.

P.S. The last day to register to vote online or by mail is October 31. You can register in person at your local elections office through Election Day. 

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