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We worked hard to elect our healthcare champions this November. Now it’s up to us to work with them to advocate for our patients and our professions.

We are the experts on patient care. As frontline staff, we are in the best position to know what our patients need and what it takes to improve the care we provide.

Lobby Day is our opportunity to share our stories with our elected representatives on the issues that matter to us. Together we’re going to Olympia to speak up for policies that protect our patients, expand access to healthcare, improve the quality of care, and stand up for working families.

On February 4 we’ll meet with elected leaders to make sure they know how critical their voices are to our patients.

Lobby Day
February 4, 2020
7:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.
The Heritage Room
604 Water Street SW, Olympia, WA 98501

Our 2020 Legislative Agenda:

  • Behavioral Health. Investing in an accountable, sustainable continuum of care.
  • Health System Accountability. Transparency and cost containment to make hospital systems accountable to patients and communities.
  • Economic Justice. Enforcing labor standards, improving access to affordable childcare and funding for crucial public services.
  • State Employees. Ensure all eligible employees can benefit from the Public Safety Early Retirement System, and that nurses providing care at Residential Habilitation Centers have a voice in their work.
  • Affordable Housing. A holistic approach to ensuring everyone in our state has an affordable place to live.
  • Climate Justice. A comprehensive plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and build a consumer system truly focused on reduction, recycling, and sustainable composting.
  • Racial Justice. Ending institutional racism and bias in education, contracting and the state government.
  • Addressing Essential Healthcare Needs. Improving healthcare access and quality with a focus on prescription drug costs, dental care, sexual assault and trauma, and healthcare coverage for our undocumented neighbors.

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